V023 - Weekly Technology Vlog #23

June 6, 2021

In this video, Chris provides another update on Cloud with Chris, updates on what’s coming soon and the Azure, Azure DevOps and GitHub news!

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If you follow the news around Microsoft, you’ve probably found it very hard to miss the fact that the Microsoft //Build conference happened this week. Microsoft //Build is their annual developer-focused conference, where they typically announce new features, updates and share their strategy as they evolve technologies. In this update, I’ll provide a summary of the announcements that particularly stood out to me and give you some context around why. Whether that’s announcements that excite me, features that I think are crucial to be adopted, etc. It’s worth noting that I’ll be focusing primarily on the Microsoft Azure Updates here, as that’s my typical area of expertise!


May 28, 2021

Have you heard about Azure Event Grid, but not exactly sure what it is or how you could use it? In this Cloud Drop, we’ll create an event-driven process using Azure Event Grid, Azure Storage Queues and Azure Functions. Get ready to learn all about Event-Driven workflows, Event-Handlers, Topics, Subscriptions and more!


May 15, 2021

For some time now, I’ve been using Windows Terminal as my local terminal for interacting with my command-line tools for quite some time now. Whenever I’m demonstrating Kubernetes concepts or working with the Azure CLI, I’ll likely have had the Windows Terminal open at some point. I always get questioned about which terminal that is, and how people can get access to it. I recently put together a Cloud Drop on How Windows Terminal can make YOU productive with Azure, so I figured it’s time to also write up a blog post on the same! Whether you’re a Developer, DevOps Engineer, Infrastructure Operations or Data Scientist, you’ve probably had to interact with a command-line terminal / shell at some point, so I hope this will be useful for you!


April 8, 2021

Have you wanted to get started learning Azure, but you’re not quite sure where to start? Then you need to check out Microsoft Learn! Microsoft Learn is a hub for learning content, including modules and learning paths, information around the official Microsoft certifications, and a curated video platform called learn tv.


April 5, 2021